by Jimmy Crow | Oct 9, 2018
NATIONAL AMERICAN MISS National American Miss is an opportunity like no other. Contestants gain poise, self-confidence, and valuable communication skills. NAM makes you feel good about yourself and gain the competitive edge to succeed later in whatever field you may...
by Jimmy Crow | Oct 9, 2018
AT&T “JENNY” This LGBT History Month, AT&T is creating hope for a better future. For each person who shares this film “Jenny” from the Love is Changing History website, AT&T will donate $1, up to $100,000, to The Trevor Project* — the nation’s leading...
by Jimmy Crow | Oct 9, 2018
DISCOVER ENGINEERING Discover Engineering: STI Skateboarding STI is featured as part of E-Week 2011, a program funded by the National Engineers Week Foundation to promote engineering and science in middle school classrooms across the USA. Guests include professional...
by Jimmy Crow | Oct 9, 2018
LEEZA GIBBONS TAKE 2 If life is an epic saga, who is writing your narrative? Is the plot unfolding as you imagined? Whether you find yourself trudging along in boredom or caught up in a chaotic whirlwind of overcommitment, you can still take creative control and...
by Jimmy Crow | Oct 9, 2018
THE ADVENTURES OF WEIRD AL’S BRAINE This is a promo for “Al’s Brain” (a 3-D journey through the human brain with “Weird Al” Yankovic). Al’s Brain premiered at the Orange County Super Fair in California. PROJECT: Special Projects TITLE: The Adventures of Weird...