FILM: INSIGHT Jian (Ken Zheng) is a counter terrorism agent who blends his skills as a martial artist and clairvoyant to bring the world’s most nefarious individuals to justice. This lone wolf is forced to make an unexpected detour to Los Angeles upon receipt of the...
FILM: Her Only Choice A woman is faced with a choice to fight for her life or sacrifice it for another. After years of infertility, a newly-expectant mother is diagnosed with a life-altering disease. PROJECT: Feature Film TITLE: Her Only Choice DIRECTOR: Christel...
FILM: Holly Day Holly runs from the ghosts of her past, but this holiday they come back to find her. PROJECT: Feature Film TITLE: Holly Day DIRECTOR: Rick Walls WRITER: Donique Patton STARS: Richard Portnow, Robinne Lee, Ashley A. Williams BACK TO...
FILM: Await the Dawn A troubled family traveling cross country are high jacked by a desperate man. Only to discover he’s running from something more dangerous than he is. PROJECT: Feature Film TITLE: Await the Dawn DIRECTOR: Pablo Macho Maysonet...