CASTING CALL: in Baltimore Monroe Casting is currently accepting talent in the Baltimore area for an upcoming shoot. Please submit headshot and resume ASAP. Shoot to take place the week of July 18, 2021 CONTACT PIXIE FOR MORE INFO...
CASTING CALL: DC Energy in DC Seeking talent for upcoming project DC Energy in DC. Rate: Pay rate $400 per day cancellation fee $100 per character. Please submit directly to: [email protected] for consideration. Must be a DMV local resident. Current character...
CASTING CALL: D/MV AREA Monroe Casting is currently accepting talent in the D/MV area for an upcoming shoot. Please submit headshot and resume ASAP to: [email protected]. Shoot to take place toward the end of August! CASTING – Women 20-30 Child-5-10...
CASTING CALL: Youth Talent Seeking an adorable, innocence looking long-blonde haired, blue eyed female performer 10-12. Talent will be working on this film for approximately 10 days. This is a one of a kind opportunity for a young performer! There is some...